"You can´t write like everybody so write like yourself." -David John Griffin

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

#4 Remarkable people

Read the following article which makes reference to the habits that succesful students follow in order to become remarkable.


In 100 words answer the following questions in form of a paragraph.

-Which of the 3 kinds of student do you consider yourself?
-Which of the habits of a succesful student do you have?
-Did you find something interesting in this article? How can be applied to you?


  1. I think I’m the student Pursue passion, not A’s because the grade I have in the exam is with my effort and I always do my best and study hard buts sometimes it’s necessary to have knowledge than a big grade and I can learn from my errors and study more and in life nobody will see your grades only your knowledge.
    Set goals because I want to make a big effort and have challenges and see the results, you can have a experience from what you did wrong.
    Get comfortable with failure this one too because not all the time you are going to have success so you need to learn from your mistakes and then you can improve.
    The habits of the student I have are:
    Cultivate empathy for others
    Read and think actively.
    I always enjoy to see a joined group that feels conformable with everybody and feel safe and in confidence.
    This reading was interesting because I found many characteristics that I have and make me realize that I’m a normal student that fights for what I want and make a big effort to success.

  2. I consider myself a deep learner. Yes, it is important to me to get good grades, since that's the way I measure my intelligence and abilities, but what's the point if you aren't learning something? if you are going to forget it the very next day? No point, waste of time. I accept that there are some school subjects I'm not good at, and that require to work harder, but you'll never know how good you can be, if you don't give it a chance, if you don't even try to be the best version of yourself.
    The habits of a successful student, that I have are: Read and think actively, Set goals and make them real, Find a way to contribute, Ask big questions and Cultivate Empathy for others.
    I consider the idea of "Getting comfortable with failure" not a student skill. Yes, you learn form failures, you grow as a person when you fail, even more than when you win, but getting comfortable is not an option. You have to always go for the best, not settle with little. Embrace failure, but not get used to it.
    I found the article very inspiring and true, every student should read it and think twice before being a surface, just getting by. Being common.

  3. I consider myself a student that is strategic because well in some subjects I only want to get a good grade even I learned or not, but most of the times I learned something but the problem is that sometimes the professors don’t teach it good or only give the topic and don’t care if we understand it good or also we don’t practice or do exams all the days so the knowledge can be there in our minds and difficult we will forget it. But also I´m a deep learner, are a lot of topics or subjects that I like it a lot and I study hard and study by heart but when I don’t review the things I forget it but I like to have good grades and understand all the things good and remember them.
    Well some of the habits that I have are Pursue passion, not A’s. It´s important what they are saying, that nobody will ask you about your grades, so well I want to have good grades but that doesn’t motivate me, are other things or interest in the topic.
    Also set goals and make them real I always do that, I always focused on something and I never give up, I don’t like to give up, I like the challenges because motivate me to be the best and improve in how you are, also you learned in the process of getting the goal.
    Ask big questions, I always ask a lot of things, not stupid questions, but I like to know the reason for everything that happen in our daily life, so well you can learn a lot of things asking questions or also sometimes if you ask you can get the solution for any problem.
    I found or something that was interesting is that thanks for failure you can reach goals or something unexpected, thanks for failure you learn about your mistakes and improve them but also you can get stuck in the problem and never figure it out or learn about that and you always going to fail.
    This reading was very interesting and it puts you to think about yourself and realize about how you are and how you can improve.

  4. I consider myself a deep learner student. I always try to do my best and learn to be prepared for the future. For me it is very important to get good grades because they are like a way of showing the effort I'm doing at school but I also think that they are not so necessary because they don't measure your abilities or your intelligence; that aspects depend on you.

    The habits of a successful student that I have are: make a personal connection to studies, ask big questions, set goals and make them real, and find a way to contribute.
    Always I try to relate studies to my experiences and have a big learning from that. I m always asking myself things that I would like to know about.
    For me it is so important to set goals because that way you know what you want, so you keep looking for how to reach them and don't give up on them.
    I like to contribute in helping people, maybe I do not demonstrate it but I really enjoy it and always I'm trying to make a little difference.

    I found really interesting the article because it helps me to work on things that maybe I'm failing and I don't pay attention to it. I think it is important to read it so you can realize what type of student your are and what you could do to be prepared for the future you wish.

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  7. I consider myself my self a deep learner. I always trying to understand all I learn and if is not clear I would try again till I get it. I have a goal and that goal is to be a wise men I would take a long time but I would do it!
    I like the habit of "set goals and make them real" you can do and be all you Want in life you just have to get a goal.
    I found interesting the wey they see the studies all of them have a different way to see it and is good I have my own way to study and live my life, but always a comment is good, it would help in something. -Ricardo MB

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  9. Nadir:
    I consider myself as a deep learner, it is important in school life to have great grades, but it is more important to learn the topics in a 100%.
    I think that I have some qualities of a good student, such as:
    - Set goals and make them real
    - Read and think actively
    - Contribute to the group
    In this article I learned that maybe there are things that we can do to ve better students and we dont do it, such as be confortable with failure.
    I would like to change some of my ways to work on clases so that I can improve in life

  10. I think I don’t fit in any of the tree kinds ok student because I am only a student that sometimes I learn others not or sometimes I want a good grade others not, I change my mind very easy because I don’t think that in my future grades or learnings are going to count the ones who count are the abilities and in school you don’t get or improve abilities. High School only give you some of the bases to enter in the university is only a request. I don’t have any habits of a successful student. I don’t like to classify myself so I don’t like this article but I can apply it by making and article about classifying teachers.

  11. I consider myself a deep learner because I try to learn and understand everything in the school.
    Yes is really important to have good greats in the school, But I think that if you understand the topic you can have good greats in the school because if you don’t understand what is the purpose of going to the school.
    The habits of a successful student that I have are: Make a personal connection to your studies, Ask big questions, Set goals and make them real, Find a way to contribute.
    I find interesting this article because you can see that every of us have different habits or ways to be in the school.

  12. As a student I consider my self a deep learner because I have the thought that the world is a place with thousands of misteries and the only way of discover them is learning and opening our selfs to it. Also I really like to discover new things and to know more everyday is something that make me feel that I'm not waisting my time.

    Tha examples of the article have a diversity, but in my case I'll say that my habits are the last 3: Cultivate empathy for others, which I find verry important in my life. Set goals and make them real, if not life will be boring and I like to proof my self too. Find a way to contribute, and this is form me the most important, because we are humans and at the end we are in a constant cycle, I mean, we help each other to get whatever we want. I think you have a better life when you help other as they help you.
    The article is interesting, because show us that we are different, but that doesn't means we are not important. And that there are many ways to learn but we decide which one we want to take.

    -Fernanda Quevedo VillafaƱa
